Scalloped Oysters

Wash fresh oysters, drain through a colander, and free them from shells. Season bread crumbs with salt, pepper, and butter, the same as for chicken dressing. Then place in the platter in which the oysters are to be served a layer of crumbs and a layer of oysters, until you have two layers of oysters. Then put in a part of a layer of oysters, and round up the dish. Finish with a layer of crumbs, and place in the oven. Twenty minutes is usually required to bake them.

Creamed Oysters

Make a thick white sauce as for croquettes, put in the oysters, and let cook until the edges curl. Serve hot.

Oyster Patties

Make a white sauce, using one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour, and one-half cup of whole milk. Season to taste with salt and pepper, put in the oysters, allowing three to each patty, and let cook until the edges curl. Fill the patties with them.

Oyster and Mushroom Patties

One-half a can of mushrooms, about two dozen oysters, one tablespoonful of lemon juice. Free the oysters from shells, put into the saucepan, and cook until plump, then dip the oysters out. Add the mushroom liquor to this and sweet cream enough to make two cups. Thicken with six tablespoonfuls of flour and three of butter, add the mushrooms, and when the sauce is cooked, add the oysters, and let boil. Season, and fill patty cases.

Panned Oysters

Butter, salt, and pepper the pan, and when hot, put in the oysters. Shake quickly over the fire, and turn- onto hot toast. Or they may be served without toast.

Creamed Lobster

In creamed lobster use more pepper than usual, and use a little mustard to tone down the flavor. Mix mustard with salt. May use also one hard-boiled egg to each cup of diced lobster, as this improves the flavor.

Meat Pie With Potato Crust

Cut cold meat into small cubes or thin slices. Pour over it meat gravy, tomato or brown sauce. Spread a crust of mashed potato over the meat. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake twenty minutes, or until brown.

Meat Pie With Macedoine Sauce

Use cold meat, sliced thin, and cut into small pieces. Put this into the dish you wish to serve it in, cover meat with Macedoine sauce, and over this put a layer of mashed potatoes one-half inch thick. Cover this with seasoned, buttered bread crumbs, and bake until a nice brown.

Meat Pie With Tomato Sauce

Use cold meat, sliced thin, and cut into small pieces. Put the meat into the dish you wish to serve it in, cover meat with tomato sauce, and over this put a layer of mashed potatoes one-half an inch thick. Cover this with seasoned bread crumbs, and bake until a nice brown.

Meat Pie With Rice Crust

Boil rice in salted water and drain. Prepare meat as for hash, and to each pint of meat which has been prepared, add one beaten egg and sufficient broth or gravy to moisten. Put the mixture into a buttered dish, cover top with rice, and this with buttered bread crumbs and bake.