Mold Of Spinach

I cup milk

1 tablespoon butterine 1 tablespoon flour Grated cheese

2 cups boiled spinach

3 eggs Brown stock Salt and pepper

Make a smooth white sauce of the milk, butter, and flour, letting it cook until it is thick, then add the cooked spinach, a few tablespoons of grated cheese, the eggs beaten, a few tablespoons of brown stock (or a bouillon cube dissolved in hot water), and salt. Mix thoroughly and pour into a buttered mold. Steam as a custard until firm, and serve either as it is or with tomato sauce.

Squash Souffle

2 cups mashed and seasoned squash

1 cup milk

2 eggs

Add the milk to the well-seasoned squash, gradually. When thoroughly blended, add the yolks of the eggs beaten until thick. Fold in the whites beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a buttered dish and bake in a slow oven until firm.

Baked Tomatoes

Wipe and remove a thin slice from stem end of 6 smooth medium-sized tomatoes. Take out seeds and pulp and drain off most of the liquid. Add equal quantities of cracker or bread crumbs, season with salt, pepper, and sugar, or a few drops of onion juice, and refill tomatoes with mixture. Place in a buttered pan, sprinkle with buttered crumbs and bake 20 minutes in a hot oven.

Fried Tomatoes With Cream Dressing

Cut tomatoes, either green or ripe, in thick slices. Melt fat in frying-pan with I teaspoon salt. When slightly brown, fry the slices of tomato until tender. Put onto platter and pour following sauce over them.


Heat l/2 pint cream in double boiler. Pour onto slightly beaten egg. Pour cream and egg into fat left in frying-pan. Cook until it thickens, stirring constantly.

Scalloped Green Tomatoes

Put in a baking-dish a layer of stale but not dried bread crumbs. Add a little salt, a little white pepper, and a number of small pieces of butter. Score an onion and sprinkle part of it over the crumbs. On this put a layer of sliced green tomatoes. Add more salt, more pepper, a little more onion, and 3 or 4 generous tablespoons of granulated sugar. Then add another layer of bread crumbs, with salt, pepper, butter, and a little onion. Repeat the alternate layers of tomatoes and bread crumbs until the dish is heaped high, as it cooks down a good deal. Put some bread crumbs on top. Put a pie plate on top to press the fruit down and bake slowly for at least an hour. When the juice begins to ooze out, take off the cover and let it brown. A little tarragon is a good addition.