Cream Of Carrot Soup

Carrots 2 slices onion Sprig parsley 1/4 cup rice

2 tablespoons butter or drippings

1 1/2 teaspoons salt Few grains cayenne 2 cups water 2 cups scalded milk 2 tablespoons flour

Chop enough carrots to make two cups. Cook in water until tender. Press through sieve, keeping the water the carrots were cooked in. Cook rice in milk in double boiler. Cook onion in butter or drippings; add flour and seasonings. Mix carrots with rice and milk, and add butter or drippings, flour and the water the carrots were cooked in; bring to the boiling point strain and serve. Garnish with chopped parsley. If this soup seems too thin with milk.

Cream Of Cabbage Soup

1 small cabbage

2 cups water

2 cups milk

3 slices onion

2 tablespoons flour

2 tablespoons butter or drippings 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Few grains cayenne

Chop cabbage, add water, and cook until tender; press through a sieve. Melt butter or drippings, add chopped onion, cook slowly five minutes, add flour, scalded milk and cabbage mixture; cook five minutes. Add seasonings, strain and serve.

Cream Of Rice Soup

1 cup rice

6 cups cold water

1 small onion

1 teaspoon chopped parsley

1 cup milk

2 tablespoons butter or drippings 2 tablespoons flour

Salt and pepper

Cook rice and onion in cold water until rice is tender. Press through a sieve. Melt butter or drippings, add flour, milk, and seasonings; boil five minutes. Combine mixtures. Add parsley and serve. (The parsley can be left out if not wanted.)

Cream Of Asparagus; Cream Of Green Peas; Cream Of String Beans; Cream Of Spinach; Cream Of Corn; Cream Of Celery. These soups are very delicate, and are much esteemed. They are all made in the same way. The vegetable is boiled until soft, and is then pressed through a sieve. A pint of the vegetable pulp is diluted with a quart of stock or water (the stock may be veal, beef or chicken broth). It is thickened with one tablespoon of butter or drippings, and two tablespoons of flour rubbed together until smooth, and seasoned with pepper and salt. Remove from the stove and add one cup of milk; then strain again, so it will be perfectly smoth.

Potato Chowder

6 good - sized potatoes 1/4 lb. salt pork 1 onion

1 tablespoon butter or drippings

1 tablespoon flour

1 pint milk

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

Cut the potatoes into dice; then cut the pork into small pieces, and put the pork with the sliced onion into a frying-pan, and fry until a light brown.

Put into a kettle a layer of potatoes, then a layer of onions and pork, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Repeat this until all the potatoes, pork, onions, and parsley are in. Pour over them the grease from the pan in which the pork and onions were fried. Add one pint of water, cover, and let simmer twenty minutes. Scald the milk in a double boiler, and add the flour and butter or drippings, rubbed together until smooth. Add this to the pot when the potatoes are tender, and stir carefully together, so as not to break the potatoes. Taste to see if the seasoning is right. Serve very hot.