Tripe a la Poulette

Cut tender tripe in small pieces and add to a rich, white sauce. Stew over a gentle heat for twenty minutes, and season with lemon juice and minced parsley. For one pint quickly stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs. The sauce should be so thick that the tripe will be merely moistened with it, and may be piled in a mound on the dish. Garnish with small boiled onions or stewed celery or mushrooms.

Stuffed Tripe.

Cut tender tripe in pieces four inches square. Spread with poultry stuffing moist with beaten egg. Roll up and tie or skewer, steam for half an hour, then brown in the oven or under a gas flame.

Mutton And Lamb.

These meats are used less than they should be. The strong flavor of the older meat may be reduced by removing the pink skin on the fat and a part of the latter. A little lemon juice or vinegar and a bit of bay-leaf put in the water in which mutton is stewed or parboiled before roasting will make the flavor more agreeable to many.

Boiled Leg Of Mutton Or Lamb.

Remove outer fat and tough bits of skin, trim, scrape, and wipe. Put in a deep kettle of boiling water, let it come quickly to the boiling point again, and remove the froth that rises. Then place the kettle where it cannot boil, but will keep at a temperature of 180°-190° Fahr. Allow at least a half hour of such cooking for each pound of meat.

Reserve The Water For Soups.

Roast Lamb

Remove the caul, any superfluous fat, and the end of leg if that cut is used. Wipe, sear the cut end, or wherever there is any lean meat exposed. Dredge with salt, pepper, and flour. Put on a rack in dripping pan in hot oven, and when the flour is browned, add a little hot water, and baste every fifteen minutes. Reduce the heat and bake about one hour and a half. Serve with mint sauce.

The Leg May Be Boned And Stuffed.

Crown Roast of Lamb

This requires ten or twelve rib chops from two loins. Have the backbone well trimmed, the ribs cut even and separated slightly, but the meat left uncut. Tie in circular shape, the meat inside, and sew or skewer together. Protect the bones with paper or pork. Season, bake one hour or more. Serve peas, carrots, or puree of chestnuts, or potato in the center.

Saddle of Mutton

The loin is left whole instead of being divided through the center of the backbone as it is for chops. It should be well trimmed and treated like any other roast.