Orange Garnish for Salad or Cold Entrée

Cut a small hole in one end of as many oranges as desired. Carefully scoop out the pulp, leaving the rinds whole. Soak in cold water an hour or more. Drain and wipe dry on the inside, then leave in cold place until well dried.

Make a jelly in the proportion of 1/4 oz. gelatine

1 cup water

1 1/3 cup cranberry juice

5 tablespns. lemon juice

2/3 cup sugar

(or the same quantity of liquid, using cherry and lemon juice)

When nearly cold, carefully fill cups, harden, and at serving time cut the oranges in sixths or eighths, rind and all.

Orange, lemon and other fruit jellies may be used by taking only 1 3/4 cup of liquid besides the water in the gelatine.

Apple Sauce Molds

1/4 oz. gelatine 4 cups pulp of steamed apples

1 cup water 2 1/2 - 3 tablespns. lemon juice

1 tablespn. sugar

Serve with egg sauce, custard or whipped cream, or with blueberry or grape juice.

Orange Cream

1/4 oz. gelatine

1 cup water

1/2 tablespn. lemon juice with orange juice to make 3/4 of a cup

2-3 tablespns. sugar 3/4 cup cream, plain or whipped

Add lemon and orange juice to cooked gelatine, and sugar to cream, then pour gelatine into cream, mixing carefully if cream is whipped. Mold.

Pineapple may be used the same, or 2/3 pineapple and 1/3 orange juice.

Prune Cream Mold

1/4 oz. gelatine

1 cup water pulp of 1/2 lb. (24 medium sized) prunes with water enough to make 2-2 1/2 cups

1/2 teaspn. vanilla

1 cup cream, whipped

2 tablespns. sugar

Pineapple Sponge

1/4 oz. gelatine 1 cup water 1 cup cream, plain 1/2 teaspn. vanilla

2 teaspns. lemon juice in cup, pineapple juice to fill the cup whites of 4 eggs 3/4 cup sugar

1 tablespn. lemon juice

Beat whites of eggs stiff, add sugar and beat, chop in the lemon juice, then the cream and the pineapple juice, carefully, and lastly add the gelatine, not too warm, and put at once into molds. Some of the fruit cut fine may be used with the juice.

Lemon Snow

1/4 oz. gelatine 1 1/3 cup water

1 cup water whites of 3 eggs

2/3 cup lemon juice 1 cup sugar

Beat whites of eggs stiff, add the sugar, beating well, then the lemon juice and water, slowly, chopping in lightly, then add the gelatine, not very warm.

May serve with border of grated or shredded pineapple. Make pineapple, gooseberry, grape and other fruit snows in the same way.

Sponge Pudding

1/4 oz. gelatine 1 cup water yolks 4 eggs

4 tablespns. (1/3 cup) lemon

5 tablespns. sugar [juice whites 4 eggs

6 tablespns. sugar

Beat yolks of eggs in inner cup of double boiler and pour slowly over them the lemon juice and 5 tablespns. of sugar, hot, not boiling; cook like custard, cool; chop into whites of eggs which have been stiffly beaten with the 6 tablespns. of sugar, and add the gelatine, not very warm. Serve with unflavored, whipped cream or with grape juice.