Lemon Pie-Granella Crust

4 tablespns. lemon juice 5 or 6 tablespns. flour

1 1/2 cup sugar yolks 2 or 3 eggs

1 1/3 cup water 1/4 teaspn. salt

Flavor sugar with oil of lemons (p. 27), add flour, mixing well, and pour the perfectly boiling water over, stirring until smooth; boil, add the slightly beaten yolks, lemon juice and salt; heat just enough to set the egg. Turn the filling into the baked granella crust and spread quickly around the edges so as to touch the top of the crust.

Meringue - Whites of 2 eggs, 1/2 tablespn. lemon juice, 2-3 tablespns. sugar. Beat whites with a little salt to moderately stiff froth, add lemon juice and beat stiff; fold in the sugar and drop by spoonfuls on the hot pie; brown delicately on top grate of oven. This filling may be used in any baked crust.

Lemon Cake or Sponge Pie

1 cup sugar 2 eggs

3 tablespns. flour salt

1 cup milk 4 tablespns. lemon juice grated rind

Mix sugar, salt and flour; add milk gradually, stirring until smooth; pour over beaten yolks of eggs, add lemon juice and rind and lastly, stiffly-beaten whites of eggs. Bake in slow oven 30 m., or until just done.

Lemon Cream Pie, large

2 1/3 cups rich milk grated rind of 1 lemon

1 3/4 cup sugar 4 1/2 tablespns. lemon juice

1 1/3 cup flour 2 large eggs

Mix flour, sugar and salt, pour boiling milk over, stirring, boil till very thick; add lemon juice and yolks of eggs, stir until well mixed and eggs cooked; spread in baked granella or pastry crust and cover with the meringue.

Ma's Lemon Pie

grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 cup thick sweet or sour cream

3 tablespns. lemon juice, 1 cup sugar

Mix cream and sugar, add lemon juice and rind. Two crusts.

Starchless Lemon Pie

3/4 cup sugar, flavored yolks 4 eggs whites of 2 eggs

3 tablespns. lemon juice in measuring cup. Fill cup with water

Meringue - 2 beaten whites, 1/2 - 1 tablespn. sugar.

Lemon Pie--Cornstarch

1 1/2 cup water 1 cup sugar

1/2 cup sugar 3 1/2 tablespns. lemon juice

1 tablespn. butter lemon rind

2 1/2 tablespns. corn starch yolks 2 or 3 eggs whites 2 eggs

Mix corn starch, the 1/2 cup of sugar and butter, pour boiling water over, cook; remove from fire, add the 1 cup of sugar, the lemon juice, grated rind and beaten yolks of eggs; bake in 1 crust, meringue with whites of eggs and sprinkle sugar over the top. Butter may be omitted.

Lemon Pie Without Eggs or Milk

3/4 - 1 cup sugar 2 tablespns. melted butter

2 tablespns. corn starch 3 tablespns. lemon juice

1 cup hot water grated rind of 1 lemon

Mix sugar and corn starch in double boiler, pour boiling water over and cook until thick, add butter and beat, then add lemon juice and grated rind. Two crusts.

Mrs. Hance's Lemon Pie

Pare 1 lemon thick enough to remove all the white part, cut in thin slices and remove the seeds. Add 1 egg and 3/4 cup of sugar, beat well and turn on gradually 1 cup of cold water. Two crusts.

Lemon Pie That Will Keep Several Days

1 large lemon, 2/3 cup sugar

1 egg, 1/3 cup molasses, salt

Grate the rind and as much of the lemon as possible, remove seeds, squeeze out the juice and chop pulp and skin very fine; beat the egg, mix all the ingredients and bake between 2 crusts.

Lemon Pie with Bread

2 slices bread 1/2 in. thick 3 tablespns. lemon juice 1 cup boiling water grated rind of lemon

1 level tablespn. butter 1 scant cup sugar

2 eggs

The slices should be from a medium sized, brick shaped loaf of bread. Cut off the crusts and pour boiling water over; add butter and beat with a fork until the bread is smooth; then combine with the rind and juice of the lemon, the sugar and beaten yolks. Bake in 1 crust and meringue with whites of eggs.

Lemon Custard Pie

4 eggs flavoring

1 cup sugar 1 3/4 cup rich milk

4 tablespns. lemon juice salt

Leave out 2 whites of eggs and beat the remainder with sugar, add lemon juice and flavoring, salt and milk. Bake slowly until just set, no longer. Meringue.