Scalloped Egg Plant

Cut egg plant into slices 1/2 - 3/4 in. thick. Peel and put into a large quantity of cold water over the fire and bring to the boiling point, boil 5 m. and drain. Repeat the process, add salt to the third water, boil 10 m. and drain. Put into scallop dish in layers with bread or cracker crumbs-just a few, cover with rich milk or thin cream and bake covered until the slices are tender, 1/2 hr. or longer. Uncover, brown and serve. The egg plant may be cut into large cubes.

Armenian Scallop of Egg Plant

1 large egg plant chopped parsley

1 1/2 - 2 cups strained or unstrained tomato salt

1/2 cup sliced or chopped onion 2 tablespns. butter or oil

3 or 4 cloves of garlic, fine a few bread crumbs

Prepare egg plant as in preceding recipe; mix onion, garlic, salt and a part of the crumbs. Sprinkle mixture in bottom of baking dish, and between and on top of layers of egg plant. Turn the tomato over all, cover with crumbs, sprinkle with parsley, dot with butter or pour oil over. Cover and bake 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Brown on top grate of oven.