Mulching is necessary to successful and profitable strawberry growing, and I think that its advantages are not as yet fully understood. Though contrary to general practice, I would say mulch as soon as plant growth ceases in the fall. If this arrives before the ground freezes, all the better. As a matter of course, it will not do very well to mulch where the ground is water-soaked, but I would even prefer to mulch at that time rather than wait till the ground is hard frozen. This year I mulched when the ground was comparatively soft, and I did very little injury to the plants, not near so much as I have done heretofore when the ground was hard frozen ; but as I expect that this idea will provoke discussion, I shall not say any more on the subject at present.

After all that I have said on this matter, I think that the profits of strawberry growing, where obtained, are largely due to the individual. Any person engaged in this calling ought to have more than an average share of patience, perseverance and prudence, patience to bear losses and failure without repinings, perseverance to persist in spite of misfortune, and prudence to prevent him from attempting to do too much. - Wm. Jackson, >before Southern Illinois Horticultural Society.