My neighbor, a business man, asked me to name a man to do small jobs for him abou the house throughout the winter. He wanted some one he could rely on, and as the pay was sure and liberal, I was interested in getting a good man for the place. I knew of two jobbers and we went to see them. They lived side by side in frame cottages with small yards in front. In the first one the weeds were as high as the fence; not a blade of grass or flower could be seen ; the windows were broken, and the steps were rickety. Even the cat looked forlorn and miserable. " I do not want the man that lives in that house," said my friend. In the next house the path was clean to the front door. The four o'clocks, balsams and asters made the little yard bright; the steps were firm and newly painted; while a fat, comfortable looking baby peered at us through the gate. "This is the man for me," said my neighbor, and he hired him on the spot, and both were benefitted by the bargain. Said a book agent, " I am apt to get a customer where I see flowers in the window, and, at least, they don't shut the door in my face." A young man chose his wife from seeing her carefully weed and water her garden day after day, and after ten years of married life, he said of her, "She is a good one." - Sister Gracious.