Cabbage, celery, etc., prepared by any of the following methods will be found an appetizing addition to the winter bill of fare :

Cabbage And Celery Salad

Chop the vegetables very fine, using two parts of cabbage to one of celery. Pour over this a dressing composed of one cup vinegar, one teaspoonful salt and one tablespoonful sugar.

Cold-Slaw With Cream Dressing

Select a very firm head of cabbage and slice the desired amount as fine as possible. Mix one tablespoonful sugar and one teaspoonful salt in half a cup of vinegar. Stir into this half a cup of cream or rich milk, and beat well for five minutes. The dressing should be made just before the cold-slaw is put on the table.

Cabbage Salad Dressing

Prepare the cabbage as for cold-slaw and sprinkle lightly with salt. Into two tablespoonfuls of butter braid one teaspoonful of flour ; add to this a well beaten egg. Heat one cup of vinegar almost to boiling ; put into it while heating one teaspoonful of celery seed and a sprinkle of black pepper. Add the egg, flour and butter, and let all boil for two minutes. Pour over the cabbage while hot; mix well, and when cold garnish with hard-boiled eggs.