Another change, not less important, has been brought about by the depression in the trade. Fruit growers are not so much inclined now as formerly to have all their eggs in one basket, and, while there is no tendency towards a diversity of fruit crops, there is a decided inclination to conjoin with fruit culture other branches of agriculture suitable to small holdings. The breeding and feeding of pigs, for example, has taken hold of a number of fruit growers. Pig keeping is in the meantime a profitable industry in itself. It is more profitable to the fruit grower than to most other people. His spare time, which might otherwise be wasted, is profitably utilized, and manure can be produced at less cost than it can be purchased. Other growers are devoting their attention to the production of eggs. There may not be a fortune in this branch of agricultural industry. There is more chance of there being a reasonable profit to the fruit grower than to the farmer on the one hand, or to the cottager on the other. The fruit grower has not only time at his disposal, he has the necessary land, for which in any case he has to pay rent. The fowls fertilize the soil and destroy grubs detrimental to fruit bushes. There could not be a better conjunction of industries than the keeping of fowls and the cultivation of fruit. A few growers have made a specialty of bee keeping. Bees have hitherto been kept in fruit districts for fertilizing purposes. They are still being kept for this purpose. But they are also now kept for the production of honey. [J. M. H.]