
Three species. Half-hardy evergreen shrubs, Ripe cuttings and layers. Shaded peat soil.


Eleven species. Stove evergreen shrubs. Cuttings, dried for a few days. Sandy loam and lime rubbish.


Two species. Stove evergreen shrubs. Ripe Cuttings. Loam, peat, and sand.


Mimosa pudica.


Humoea elegans. Green-house biennial. Seed. Common soil.

Hungarian Lotus

Nymphaea, thermalis.


Hunnemannia fumariaefolia. Half hardy herbaceous. Division. Common soil.


Hurdles of iron are the most eligible modes of fencing, whether for permanency or temporary purposes. They are invisible at a short distance, elegant and durable.


Seven species. Hardy herbaceous alpines. Cuttings. Sandy loam and peat.


Six species. Hardy deciduous shrubs. Ripe Cuttings. Common soil. The species most common in our gardens is H. hortensis. To obtain of this very large flowers on a very small stem, strike cuttings; do not let them branch: grow them in rich soil, and bloom them the following season.

"To get large bushes of hydrangeas in the open air, plant them in good rich soil; form a basin of clay all round them, six inches deep, and in dry weather fill it with water every evening, after they have got fairly into leaf. Towards autumn withhold watering altogether. Get their wood ripe. For winter, stuff straw between their branches, wrap them well in it, and mat them up." - Gard. Chron.

Hydrangeas are best preserved through the winter out of doors, by taking off their leaves in autumn, and putting over each one of the Shelters made of straw, as described under that title.


Hydrastis canadensis. Hardy tuber. Tubers. Loam and peat, in a moist place.


Hydrooharis morsusrance. Hardy aquatic. Seed and runners. Still water.


Two species. One stove evergreen shrub, and the other stove herbaceous. Cuttings. Loam and peat.


Hydropeltis purpurea. Half-hardy aquatic. Offsets. Still water.


Hygrophila ringens. Stove evergreen trailer. Cuttings. Rich light soil.

Hylesinus Piniperda

A species of beetle which preys upon the pith of young shoots of sickly or recently felled Scotch and spruce firs. It is not very injurious in this country.


Hylotonia rosoe. A saw-fly which injures rose-trees seriously by puncturing in rows their young shoots, and depositing in the holes its eggs. The best remedy is spreading a cloth beneath the trees in the evening, and killing the insects shaken down upon it. - Gard. Chron.


Locust-tree. Three species. Stove evergreen trees. Cuttings. Loam and peat.


Hymenanthera dentata. Greenhouse evergreen shrub. Cuttings. Peat and loam.


Two species. Hardy ferns. Seed and division. Loam and peat.


Henbane. Four species. Two half-hardy evergreen shrubs; one hardy annual; and the fourth biennial. Cuttings or seed. Common soil.