[From a Correspondent].

Most of the readers of The Florist are aware that some of the finest Hollyhocks that have been sent out have issued from this establishment. In No. XVI. a list of eighteen of the best varieties may be found. Some of these are remarkably beautiful, not only from their height and long spike of flowers, but also from their symmetry and compactness. One of the best of the present varieties is a seedling of 1849, raised by W. Chater, named "Comet," from its bright red and striking appearance. A prize medal was given to W. C, who exhibited it at the last Floricultural Exhibition at the Surrey Zoological Gardens. Many of the ladies and gentlemen present were much struck with its beauty; some even thought the leaves and flowers must have been stitched on, the foliage being hardly perceptible between the thickly-set blossoms. Amongst others, as a few of the finest varieties, may be mentioned, Queen, a beautiful light blush; Rosea Grandiflora, light pink; Model of Perfection, fine white chocolate ground; Magnum Bonum, fine maroon; with many others.

There are now 6000 spikes of this splendid collection in bloom; and any one who is interested in the improvement of this beautiful flower would find themselves amply repaid by a visit to W. C.'s Nursery-Grounds.

8th Month 15, 1849.