Clerodendron Bethuneanum

This fine species of Clerodendron is equal in beauty to any that are at present in cultivation. It is a large-growing plant, with a panicle of crimson-coloured flowers, forming a pyramidal bunch two to three feet long. It is a native of Borneo, and requires stove heat. Figured in Botanical Magazine, from Messrs. Lucombe, Pince, and Co., Exeter.

Brachysema Aphyllum

A pretty greenhouse plant, with pea-shaped flower, of a deep red colour; a native of Western Australia. Figured in Botanical Magazine for December, but not yet introduced. Seeds are sown here.

Tabern.emontana Longiflora

An erect branching stove shrub, with large white or cream-coloured flowers; a native of the tropics. Figured in Botanical Magazine, from Messrs. Lucombe, Pince, and Co., Exeter.

Ixora Laxiflora

A showy stove shrub, growing from three to four feet high; calyx deep red; corolla white, tinged with pink. This species is well worth cultivation; the flowers are sweet-scented. Its native country is Java. Figured in the same work, from the same establishment.

Bigonia Cinnabarina

One of the handsomest of the genus, having bright red-coloured foot-stalks, and large cinnabar-coloured flowers. It is a tuberous-rooted plant, and will therefore require to be kept all but absolutely dry during winter. It is a native of Bolivia. Figured in Botanical Magazine, from Messrs. Henderson's, Pine-apple Place.

Espeletia Argentea

A very ornamental greenhouse plant; the leaves are narrow, lanceolate, and densely silky on both sides, forming a crown of dense spreading leaves, similar to those of an aloe; flowers yellow, inclining to brown. It is a native of New Grenada, where it grows about five feet high. Figured in the same work, from the Duchess Dowager of Northumberland's, Sion.

Wailesia Picta

A rather pretty species of Orchid, with the habit of a Vanda or Angra?cum; flowers pale yellow, spotted with crimson; a native of Malacca. Figured from Chatsworth in Botanical Magazine.

Anguria Makoyana

A perennial plant, of the cucumber tribe; flower of a rich vermilion colour. Native country unknown; it was introduced from Liege by Messrs. Knight and Perry, Exotic Nursery, Chelsea, where it flowered, and was from there figured.

Adamia Versicolor

A dwarf greenhouse shrub, something similar to Hydrangea japonica, having a corymbose head of blue flowers nearly one foot in diameter. It is a native of China. Figured from Chatsworth.

Schomburgkia Tibicinis, Variety Grandiflora

The leaves of this variety are shorter, more ovate, flowers larger, and much brighter in colour than Schomburgkia tibicinis; probably it may be a more perfect state of the plant. It was figured from these gardens; and was imported from Honduras, where the hollow stems are used by the natives as horns or trumpets.

Cycnoches Barbatum

This singular and handsome Orchid was imported from Costa Rica, and is in the collection of Mrs. Lawrence of Ealing Park, from which it was figured in Botanical Magazine, It very much resembles Gongora maculata; petals and sepals are rcflexed; the whole flower is spotted all over. The plant has very little appearance ofaCycnoches, or even of a Gongora; but is referred to Cycnochet by Dr. Lindley, the column being free, and not bearing tin- upper sepal; or it might without hesitation have been referred to Gongora.

Rhododendron Cuyiahim

This is one of the many hybrids raised at Sion House, the Dowager Duchess of Northumberland's, and is one of the best in cultivation; flowers large, whitish, with red spots; believed to be produced between R. catawbiense and the white variety of R. arboreum.

Achimenes Kleei

This resembles A. longiflora in habit; is a very interest-in- species, being a large flower of a dullish red colour. Native of Guatemala, when- it was discovered by Mr. Skinner. Figured from Messrs. Lane's of Berk-hampstead.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. J. Houlston.