Sir, - In answer to your correspondent, L. M. N. P., I beg to say that I think a bed 80 feet long would not, under ordinary circumstances, be too long for edging with the Oxalis, but it would depend a good deal upon the form of the bed and the position from which it is seen. A bed that can be taken conveniently in by the eye looks best.

Whether two rows of Christine will be sufficient will depend upon the size of the plants, but the following proportions will be found suitable: - 20 inches of Christine, 12 inches of Alyssum, and 8 inches of Oxalis. Plant the Alyssum and Oxalis along the centre of the stripes they are intended to fill, peg them right and left, and take care to keep them from straggling into each other during the season.

The Oxalis should be planted from 6 to 9 inches apart in the row. Sow it in a box about the beginning of February, cover it with a pane of glass, and set it anywhere in a house or pit where the temperature is about 60°. It does not require bottom-heat. Prick it out in little tufts, in a cold frame or under hand-lights, at the beginning of April, and keep well watered till bedding-out time.

J. Simpson.