Most plants, to grow them well, require cultural management peculiar to themselves or to their own wants. Plumbago Capensis does not form an exception to this rule. It is seldom met with amongst collections of plants, and more seldom seen in flower. Little difficulty attends the growing of it, but it is not easily bloomed.

Speaking of the qualities of P. Capensis, I think it merits a place in the foremost rank of summer-flowering greenhouse plants. No other plant furnishes a more abundant profusion of blossom when properly managed; nor do we know any that will eclipse its trusses of delicate pale blue. When cultivated for climbing purposes, it must have the lightest, the warmest, and the airiest part of the house. The soil it prefers is of a light, moderately rich, porous kind, with more than the usual amount of drainage; and while in growth, water must be copiously supplied, always warmed to the heat of the house before being applied to the roots. As soon as the flowering season is over, water ought in a great measure to be withheld, as all the working energies of the plant go to sleep with the dropping of the last truss of flowers, unless, indeed, a few trusses of seed follow the flowers. Water only to keep the foliage from drooping, for this is sufficient until fresh signs of active growth are indicated in early spring, which should be the signal to have the shoots of the former year's growth cut partially back; and at the same time affording fresh stimulus to the roots by a top-dressing of fresh compost of equal parts loam, old cow-manure, sand, and leaf-mould, properly mixed together, following and completing the operation by a good soaking of tepid water.

In the course of its growth water seldom but without stint when affording supplies, but being always sure that water is really wanted before giving any, as no plant is more impatient of cold and damp than this.

After a time, when good stubby growths have been produced, and indications of hardness in the young shoots are apparent, it is better to withhold water until signs of distress are evident from the want of it, by the foliage getting fagged and dry-like. But this must not be overdone either, or the leaves will drop off the lower parts of the shoots. These hints attended to, renew the waterings, but in much less proportions to that supplied throughout the first stages of growth, and a rich display of blossoms will repay the attention and labour given.