A Lover Of Ferns

You can get Davalia Mooriana from any nurseryman; at least any nurseryman can procure it for you. We make it a rule never to recommend tradesmen in these pages.

A Lover Of Herbaceous

We do not consider that the plant you name should be included in the category of hardy herbaceous plants. Although in dry sandy soils nearly the whole of the genus do occasionally live over the winter, yet in heavy soils and in cold localities there are ten chances to one against their living through the winter, and consequently we would not by any means accept them as hardy in a collection' of hardy herbaceous plants.

A Lover Of Hyacinths

For early flowering, pot them at once in Hyacinth pots, which any nursery or pottery firm can supply. The compost should be equal proportions well-rotten cow-dung, friable loam, and clean sand. Plunge the pots in a cold frame in coal-ashes or light soil.

A New Subscriber

Calendars of forcing operations have been so hackneyed that we gave them up; but, to meet your views and some others, we will entertain the idea of beginning another year with one of a very complete and comprehensive character.

A Two Years' Subscriber

To have Achimenes late in autumn, keep the bulbs cool and dry as long as possible; and after starting them strike a part of them from cuttings, and grow them freely in a rather shady place.

A Well-Wisher

We have not the slightest intention of noticing in any way the writer to whom you refer; he is not worth powder and shot.

A Young Beginner

Doubtless "North of the Trent" means by "a first-class establishment" a private establishment, and not a nursery, although it would be advantageous to all young gardeners to be employed for a time in a nursery establishment.

A Young Hand

The Royal Fern thrives best in deep peaty soil kept constantly moist. In shallow dry situations it remains in a dwarf stunted condition.

A Young Horti

Must let us have your name and address before your communication can be noticed.

A Young Horti #1

You will find your request complied with in our present issue.

A. B

There is no doubt the deplorable state of your Grapes is caused by the roots being injured by stagnant water.

A. C

Under the circumstances you describe, no doubt early Grapes will prove most remunerative. If you can produce them in your climate with something like the same firing required to keep late Grapes, no doubt you will do best to get them in early, and catch the high prices.