A cemetery is most certainly the right place for a profusion of flowers. Of all out-door monumental decoration these are by far the most beautiful and appropriate. Those who have money to spend upon the last habitation of their friends and relations, and who piously desire to show their love and sorrow by some sort of outward sign, will act more wisely in paying some annual fee to the cemetery gardener to keep churchyard flower-beds trim and pretty, than in laying out a vast amount of money among stonemasons, resulting in ill-executed angels, or trophies of cannon-balls and swords and cocked-hats, and other such insignia, hinting at the professional career of the deceased. The sums of money spent on these great ponderous symbolical monuments are often very large. But who that has groaned in presence of some hideous specimens of sepulchral bad taste, some terrible combination of cherubs and skeletons, of scythes and hour-glasses, of broken columns and ponderous marble clouds, and who has felt the beauty of one of these flower-begirt graves, will not testify to the superiority of the gardener's work over that of the stonemason? There is too, a symbolism in the introduction of flowers here which makes them specially fit.

These plants have come up from a root which itself was buried in the earth in order that the flower which we admire might bloom. They were pu1 into the ground in the form of seed or bulb with no beauty about them to win our admiration but they come up in due time arrayed in such splendor of decoration as cannot fail to fill us with admiration first, and then, as we think longer, with hope. They are grasses of the field whose perishable nature has been made before now to typify the insecurity of human life Moreover, they suggest, at least, a certain continued supervision, a daily tending and care which favor the idea that those to whose memory they are sacred are still held in recollection by their friends.- All the Year Round.