New plants appear continually, and somehow, the old ones disappear, though frequently possessing more agreeable points than the novelties. But even in the oldest collections we find sometimes Hedychium co-ronarium with its sweet Orchiddike white flowers, or the no less attractive Hedychium Gardneri-anum, with yellow flowers, which seem to resist the most careless treatment, under which so many good things disappear. They require no further care to do magnificently than to be planted out in a hot, slightly damp place during summer, and potted in fall, flowering in a cool greenhouse before Christmas. Any new addition to this class will be welcome.

Burbidgea nitida.   See p. 334.

Burbidgea nitida. - See p. 334.

Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, of Chelsea, England, have brought out an entirely new genus of this class, of which we give the following account:

This very beautiful plant is the type of an entirely new genus, with the habit of Hedychium, but with the lip reduced to a small stipitate blade, and with no lateral inner segments of the perianth. It grows in shady forest, in N. W. Borneo, at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 feet, in spots where there is little undergrowth. It thrives best where the rhizomes form matted masses on moist rocks, covered by vegetable debris, producing ten to thirty slender flowering stems, each bearing a panicle of twelve to twenty flowers. The leaves are of a lively glossy green on both surfaces, and serve to set off the rich orange scarlet color of the flowers.

The above is extracted from Sir J. D. Hooker's description published in the Botanical Magazine, for 1879, Tab. 6403.

The plant is named after Mr. Burbidge, its fortunate discoverer, when collecting for us in Borneo, in 1878".

We give an illustration on the opposite page.