At the Soldiers' Home at Dayton, Ohio, last June, the writer saw some immense specimens of Cereus grandiflorus in tubs; they were perhaps ten feet high and four feet thick, for we are writing from memory only, and had on the night before the writer's visit, scores of flowers. On a visit to a lady near Dayton, Mrs. Forrer, who had some specimens quite as large and healthy as any we had ever seen in a private collection, the remark was made that if we had not seen those at the Home the day before, hers would have been pronounced unique, when it was found that these noble specimens had been this estimable lady's, and had been presented to the Home by her.

By the way, the great number of very fine plants, and excellent taste in gardening displayed by Mr. Beck, the gardener at this beautiful place, show that he ranks among the leaders in his profession.