As I have seen from time to time several valuable hints from your pen, you would confer a favor on me and a number of my neighbors if you would prescribe a cure for the spot (mildew) on our Fameuse apples, as we have suffered severely from it the past two seasons on the north and west slopes of Mount Royal. Also, if it would be of any use to your readers, I have found out that the best destroyer for mealy bug is common laundry soap, used as a strong wash. I used one pound to eight gallons of rain-water on Bou-vardias that were very dirty; it cleaned them, and I think it will keep them clean by applying it freely about once a week while any signs of them remain. Apply with syringe.

I would like to know if the double, lately introduced, is really an acquisition, and if it is really double; because I have seen a few plants imported for double, and I could see no difference between them and the common single. I think we grew some good Poinsettas here this season, some measuring 17 3/4 inches from tip to tip. Cote des Neiges, Montreal, Can., Jan. 13th.

[We have no knowledge of any trouble specially affecting this variety. When in Montreal a few years ago, and examining gardens on Mount Royal, no mention was made of it. - Ed. G. M].