This appears to be published in New York city, though no place of publication is given. "Our esteemed friend and distinguished free-trader," is the title given to one of its leading correspondents, and its leading object, and that of the Forestry Congress, is evidently the fostering of the interests of free trade. Free trade as a political principle, or Protection as a political principle, may be very well. The only important point is, that the public should clearly understand what these Forestry efforts mean. The leading article in the Bulletin is devoted to showing that America will be ruined by cutting down its forests and planting corn; and that Canada will be saved by cutting down her forests to supply the United States, while the latter's "saved" forests rot from old age, for "you must save your water courses to run your mills, you know," though what we want the saw mills for, if we are not to cut our timber, is not explained. The self-sacrifice which will induce a Canadian to risk making an "arid, treeless waste "of his own country, in order to save the "life-blood" of the United States, will be highly appreciated in commercial circles.

There is in this Bulletin, also, a sinister blow at a "certain Boston Professor "of Forestry. The certain Professor has done more in the intelligent interests of Forestry in America the last ten years, than the whole of those who abuse him will do in a life-time, and he will probably survive these petty flings long enough to do immensely more.