A Leesburg, Fla., correspondent says: " I see in the Gardeners' Monthly it is considered impossible that an immediate cross can have any effect on the shape of a fruit; but don't you think that it can on flavor, because Hautbois strawberries will affect a whole bed, and Muscat grapes will give their flavor to a house ?"

[Is it a well authenticated fact, one plant of a Muscat grape in a vinery will give a Muscat flavor to Black Hamburgs and other grapes in the same house ? The writer of this has had just such houses, and never noticed any such influence; and so have hundreds of others; on the other hand, this is the first time we have ever heard such an influence even suspected.

In regard to the strawberry it has been the impression that the Hautbois strawberry (Fragaria collina) has never been made to cross at all with the Scarlet strawberry (Fragaria Virginiana), much less influence each other's fruits by the cross. If our correspondent can refer to any experiments that have been made and placed on record, we should be very glad to republish for our readers' benefit. - Ed. G. M].