Since it has been well established by the work of the Florist that the old maxim that "like produces like," as a test of a true species, is just as characteristic of any garden variety, much more encouragement is given to experiments in getting new races of flowers out of what would once have been regarded as mere freaks of nature, than formerly. These so called freaks can be reproduced from seed, and thus we are able to perpetuate all sorts of curious things. Some one in the Old World has thus fixed a curious freak in the common garden Cyclamen, a representation of which we here reproduce from the London Gardeners' Chronicle. A lace-like frill has been developed from the petals, and it may be termed the "Fringed Cyclamen." It was raised by Mr. Clarke, a florist of Twickenham, near London.

There is a grand field among these freaks of nature open before American flower lovers and improvers.

New Races Of Flowers 31