Mr. T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Conn., notes: "Your remarks upon the work of A. J. Downing in the interests of landscape gardening, in the February number, called out by the recent death of his brother, Charles Downing, call to mind an occurrence many years ago. I spent the winter of 1841-2 in Waterbury, and was confined to my room for a few days by illness. Dr. Leavenworth called one day just after dinner, and would not remove his overcoat, as he designed to stay but a short time. He took up ' Downing's Landscape Gardening,' then just published, and did not lay it down till the shades of evening rendered it too dark to read. There was a charm about this book that no lover of rural life could resist. You truly say, ' he had the essential enthusiasm that was catching to all who came into contact with him.'"