Under this head, with the initials "S. D. V.," in Encyclopedia Americana it is said : "The most valuable of American grasses is known as the Blue Grass (Poa compressa) which springs up spontaneously on limestone soil, and is deemed to be the very best food for every kind of cattle. The vast regions where it remains almost an evergreen, are referred to as the Blue grass regions, a term adopted even in official language".

As this has been so often corrected in our magazine, it is annoying to find the error repeated in a new standard work like this, a work aiming especially to correct the errors of preceding Encyclopoedias. Poa compressa, is the flat-stemmed Blue grass, of value in agriculture chiefly that it will grow in very dry soil, or partially shaded situations. The species that gave fame to the "Blue grass regions" is Poa pratensis.