This magnificent work, devoted wholly to illustrating and describing orchids, has just completed its second volume. The first part of the third volume will soon be issued, and the publishers announce that the parts of the next volume will appear with the same regularity that all the rest have done. The office will in future be at the personal dwelling of Mr. Lucien Linden, 100 Rue Belliard, Brussells, to whom the subscriptions, 60 francs for the volume in 12 parts, may be sent. The part before us has Odontoglossum, Coradinei var. grandiflorum, Phalaenopsis Lud-demanniana, Masdevallia Veitchiana, and Seleni-pedium caudatum. The pictures are of folio size and so naturally drawn and colored that one can almost imagine they smell the delicious perfume of the living flowers while looking at them. Now that orchid culture is becoming so popular with us, "Lindenia" ought to get many subscriptions from this side of the water.

Another volume, the third, of this grand work on orchids has been commenced, of which part the first part is now before us. Aerides Fieldingia," one of the most beautiful of all orchids, having a compact raceme 16 inches long, with possibly fifty deep rosy pink flowers, occupies the first plate. The next is Dendrobium purpureum, var. candidulum. This is that remarkable rarity, a double orchid. The flowers look more like large, intensely double, white carnations than an ordinary orchid - and besides the attractions it will present to the orchid lover, ought to be very desirable for cut-flower work. Odontoglossum cuspidatum occupies another plate. This has very narrow sepals, petals and labellum, which are spotted orange and brown. There are ten of these large flowers on the raceme. The fourth plate is Anguloa uniflora, one of the section of Dove orchids. The ivory white flowers are some 3 inches long.

With these lovely plates are full descriptions, botanical history, and practical details for culture, that must make the work very desirable to all orchid growers - while as a beautiful work of art, those who have never seen an orchid will welcome it to their library tables. It is now published by J. Linden, aided by Lucien Linden and Emile Rodigas, at Ghent, for sixty francs a volume of 12 parts.


"W. L." inquires: "On page 320, October number, you speak of ' Lindenia,' a French work on orchids. Will you be so kind as to inform me whether the text is printed in English as well as French; if so, where it can be obtained?"

Lindenia is a Belgian publication, the text printed wholly in French; but the colored plates are full-sized, and so life-like as to be well worth subscribing for, even though one does not know the language.

We do not know of any agent for the work in this country. The publication office is 52 Rue de Chaume, Ghent, Belgium.


We have received from Mr. J. Linden, 100 Rue Belliard, Brussels, Belgium, the 2d part of the 3d volume of this beautiful work. It is wholly devoted to orchids, and we find the following in this issue:

Cattleya Virginalis, T. 101

A Cattleya with pure white perianth-segments and with the disc of the lip of a rich yellow color. It is supposed to be a variety of C. Eldorado, but whatever be its affinity there can be no question of its beauty.

Cypripedium Prcestans, T. 102

A handsome Cypripedium recalling C. Stonei, and of which so much has been said in English papers lately that we need only add that the figure now given is a faithful representation of a desirable plant.

Aerides Houlletianum, T. 103

The flowers of this species have cream-colored segments tipped with lilac, the broad obovate retuse lip has a paler ground color flashed with rich lilac.

Catasetum Bungerothii Var. Pottsiana, T. 104

Scarcely have we had time to settle down after the introduction of this fine plant than we are confronted with a variety in which the upper segments are spotted with purplish-red".


The fifth part of the third Volume is just to hand and has for illustrations the following orchids:

Miltonia Spectabilis Moreliana

This variety of one of the most beautiful orchids was introduced by M. Morel, of Saint Mande, in 1846. It was found in Brazil near Serra de Estrella, and is so distinct as to be thought a good species by some.

Paphinia Lindeniana

This is from Central America. It is an entirely new species received only in July last by the International Horticultural Company. It was discovered by M. Bungeroth near the sources of the Orinoco.

Odontoglossum Crispum Trianae

This came from New Granada. It is regarded by M. Linden as one of the most beautiful forms of this most beautiful species. It is a much larger form than the type.

Bulbophyllum Grandiflorum

This is one of the most grotesque forms of orchids known to cultivators, and it is very beautiful in its grotesqueness. It is from the woods of New Guinea. It flowered for the first time in Europe in the houses of the International Company in August last, and then went to England to enrich the collection of Sir Trevor Lawrence, of Dorking.

The whole set of illustrations make a beautiful quartette. Besides the paintings and descriptions, there are full cultural details for each species.