Anemone Japonica comes first in order of merit, and a finer thing can scarcely be imagined than this most beautiful of herbaceous plants. They have tall branching flower stems, 2 1/2 to 3 feet high, and commence to bloom about the time spring flowers are done and last until frost. They seem to do best in light rich soil and ought not to be removed or transplanted any oftener than becomes absolutely necessary. Usually enough leaves are collected or blown around the stocks in the fall to protect them during the winter in very cold or exposed situations where they need any. There are three varieties, respectively, alba, rosea and elegans. I like the white flowered variety best, but all are good and should be in every collection.

The next is Helianthus multiflorus plenus, double perennial Sunflower. This rare old beauty gives universal satisfaction and any soil seems to suit it. The plant grows about 4 feet high, and commences to bloom about the last of July, bearing many beautiful orange colored flowers as large as dahlias, and continuing in bloom until frost.

The third is Platycodon grandiflora. This is one of the Bell-worts, and a very beautiful thing it is. The plant grows about 2 feet high, and is covered with its lovely blue flowers from midsummer until cut down by frost. There is also a white variety identical with the above except in color.

These three plants have come under my notice at the Botanic Garden here the past season, and I trust this notice may have the effect of extending their cultivation, as they are not near so often met with as they deserve to be. Washington, D. C.

[The white variety of Platycodon is becoming popular with cut flower dealers for summer work. - Ed. G. M].