Allow me to say a few words to your readers on the subject of cultivating our native orchidaceae, which can be so easily procured and transplanted into the garden, and when once planted they give a handsome return of beautiful flowers of delightful fragrance. In order to grow them well, and insure success, it will be necessary to select a rather shady border and dig it out to a depth of 18 inches, putting a layer of old wood at the bottom. Cover up the wood with a load of moss, found in all tamarack swamps, and fill up the bed with soil from a reclaimed swamp. Leave a place at one end to be made entirely of moss, for there are some that will grow in nothing else.

The next thing is to collect the plants. This would not be difficult to any one living in Milwaukee, as many of them could be found within the city limits, and all of them within a few miles, except Calypso borealis. The first up in the spring is.Orchis spectabilis. This fragrant beauty is to be found anywhere in shady woods, where the soil is rich and moist. Arethusa bulbosa, and Po-gonia ophioglosioides grows in moss and nothing else; so keep them in that part of your bed that is prepared for them. They are very beautiful when in quantity. Calopogon pulchella grows in rich black soil, and far exceeds in beauty many of the tropical Orchis that are grown by Orchis growers. The Habenarias require various kinds of soil. The following grow on loamy soil: H. orbiculata, H. Hookeri, H. leucophaea, and H. lacera. But the most desirable for border flowers are H. fimbriata, H. psycodes, which are seldom equalled for beauty and fragrance. They require moist, rich black soil. The other species growing here are H. virescens, H. viridis, H.. hyperborea, and H. di-latata. They are all fragrant, but of no beauty. Calypso borealis is very scarce in this State, and if you can procure it, plant it in a box of moss by itself. It must never be dry or frozen.

It is very curious to see it make its next season's blooming bulbs after it has done flowering. Cypripedium parviflora grows in loamy soil; C. pubescens grows in shady woods; C. spectabilis grows in wet willow marshes, but does fine in any good garden soil; C. acaule and C. arietinum grow in moss; C. candidum wants to have the full influence of light and heat, a regular prairie plant growing in large quantities near swales. Spiranthes cernua and S. latifolia grow in large quantities in rich black muck. This includes all the Wisconsin Orchis worth cultivating for their beauty and fragrance. We have Goodyera repens, Listera cor-data, Microstylis monophyllus, Liparis liliifolia, Aplectrum hyemale, but they are of no great beauty and will only be interesting to botanists. The above lists are well worth the labor and attention of any amateur. Milwaukee, Wis.