The publishers desire to return their thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on this work. Its influence on the progress of Gardening and Rural Taste is now too strikingly apparent to need a word of comment. Its extended and valuable correspondence, presenting the experience of the most intelligent cultivators in America, makes it eagerly sought after by those interested in country life.

To all persons alive to the improvement of their gardens, orchards, or country seats - to scientific and practical cultivators of the soil - to nurserymen and commercial gardeners, this Journal, giving the latest discoveries and improvements, experiments and acquisitions in Horticulture, and those branches of knowledge connected with it, will be found invaluable. The publishers therefore take this method of presenting it in various parts of the United States where it is not already known, and where, they ate confident, it only needs to be examined, or even announced, to be at once ordered. .

The Editorial Department is under the supervision of Mr. Peter B. Mead, a gentleman well known to the Horticultural community as a practical Horticulturist. In addition to his own knowledge of the wants and tastes of those for whom the Horticulturist caters, he will receive assistance and cooperation from gentlemen of acknowledged taste and talent in various parts of the country, so that the reader will be kept well posted in regard to what is transpiring throughout the extent of our vast territory, and its wants will thus be more readily met. •

The Magazine is published monthly, each number containing 48 pages-accompanied by a FRONTISPIECE and several other engravings. The list of constant contributors embraces our first horticulturists and practical cultivators. The Editor's Table and Answers to Correspondents furnish copious hints to the novice in practical culture; the Editor's Drawer presents, among other things, a summary from the leading Horticultural Journals of Europe.

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