Fruit - size large; form oblong. obvate, pyriform; color, greenish yellow, mostly overspread and marbled with smooth, russet and scattering black dots of irregular size; stem, short, rather stout, sometimes set with a lip or neck, especially in highly cultivated specimens, usually as shown in our outline; calyx, partially open, with short, stiff segements; basin, open, regulars almost broad, rather deep; flesh, yellowish white, buttery, melting, juicy, sweet and rich; core, small; seeds, very dark brown; Season, November and December.

Beurre Bachelier Pear.

Fig. 11. - Beurre Bachelier Pear.

This pear is comparatively new, and da-serves further trial. The tree is not considered a first-class grower, and perhaps would not bear neglect, but under good ordinary cultivation, succeeds well, and gives a fruit rich and delicious in quality and we think pleasant to every palate.

Comte de Flanders Pedr.