A CORRESPONDENT of Colman's Rural World, from long experience, feels convinced that fruit grafted on seedling stocks will partake more or less of the nature of such stocks, and in support of this theory, says: - " I once grafted an English wild cherry on a wild cherry stock. When it came into bearing, it bore cherries about two-thirds the size of the English cherry, the color of the fruit red, and the flavor near that of the wild cherry, viz.: bitter. Another time I took cions of an early May cherry, and grafted part of them on Mazzard stocks and part on Morello stocks. When the trees came into bearing, the fruit was so different that each kind might have been called a different variety from the other.

Any fruit grower can convince himself of the truth of this matter if he will take cions from one apple tree and graft them into twenty different young trees in his orchard. When they come into bearing he will probably find that the fruit of any two will not be exactly alike. In my own neighborhood I know many apple trees of our old standard varieties, the fruit of which has become so degenerated, that they can hardly now be identified even by the best judges of fruit."