The Charming new Phlox Leptodachylon Californicum, the Phlox Speciosum of Pursh is in great favor at the English exhibitions.

Catalogues, Pamphelts, etc., on our Table. A perfect shower of periodicals, books, etc, etc., occupy oar table: - viz;

Phlox #1

Of perennial Phlox the number of varieties is almost countless, and embraces nearly every shade of color and imaginable variety of arrangement in the flower. We shall not here undertake to designate any particular varieties, only saying that every one grown at this day is good, and that when you have one growing, you will soon find room for more. To bloom freely, the Phlox requires a deep, rich bed of soil, and rather moist than dry.

The Pyrethrum, or Double Feverfew, although not strictly a hardy perennial, yet with a slight protection in winter stands admirably, and its constant succession of small, pure, white double flowers from June to October makes it a plant of the greatest value for bouquets, wreaths, etc.

Phlox #2

Those acquainted with the different varieties of the Phlox drummondii would feel satisfied that all the desirable colors were represented by that genus. Still, another species, bearing large, yellow blossoms and dwarf, robust foliage and branches, has been added, named Isabellina. This species possesses peculiarities of its own; it delights in the morning sun, and noon and afternoon shade. Plants of this kind, growing in the latter situation, bloomed more profuse than those that had the sun to shine on all day; the soil and treatment in both cases being equal. The petals of those that had the morning sun and afternoon shade were thicker, larger, tougher, and more of deep yellow; while those that had the benefit of the all-day sun were, in every respect, inferior and more inclined to curl around the edges. The Isabellina is a willing and profuse bloomer, continuing an uninterrupted display of dull, yellow blossoms the whole summer and autumn; should be watered freely when the plants are small, and slackened gradually as the buds commence to form.

I will now refer to another family, and attempt a mild description of a very rare and almost new Lilliputian zonale geranium, named "Aurantia striata." This plant is distinguishable in any collection, and will at once take the eye of the critic on account of its unique and tidy habits of compactness, unparalleled density, of panicles, and conspicuous symmetry of proportion.

Stem very thick and robust, spreading into several branches, and growing uniformly together, with none taking much advantage of the other. Foliage surprisingly dense, almost entirely concealing the stem and branches, together with the lower portion of the peduncles.

Leaves rather small, velvety and substantial. Surface deeply marked with a broad, dark-brown zone, leaving a center and margin of green. Flower stems and buds produced astonishingly rapid, and burst into large trusses of blossoms that are both peculiar and attractive. Petals bright salmon, coloring to tints of pale orange towards the edges. Under side of petals beautifully splashed with white markings and veinings.

The willingness displayed by this plant in maintaining a succession of bloom impresses me that, if asked to point out the most profuse bloomer in our collection, I would unhesitatingly point to Aurantia striata.