Ardisia Sieboldii

This very handsome species was introduced from China by Dr. Siebold. It is a graceful shrubby plant; the leaves are about five inches long, notched, of a shining green. It blooms in profusion, and produces a proportionate mass of brilliant scarlet berries; even small plants, not more than a foot high, are almost covered with these splendid ornaments, and which continue in perfection during the entire winter and spring. It is one of the most valuable plants for decoration of the stove, conservatory, etc., we possess. Plants may be had at 21*. each.


Alba, hardy. - Argentea, hardy. - Brunoniana, abandoned. - Canadensis, hardy. - Clanbrasiliensis, hardy. - Douglasii, brown, but buds good. - Excelsa, hardy. - Lezoensis, leader gone; green below snow. - Hudsonii, below snow, uninjured. - Morinda, little browned. - Menzesii, little browned. - Pygmea, hardy, I think, but entirely under the snow. - Piohta, perfectly untouched. - Piohta Pendula, browned. I do not know whether this is Smith's Pendula or not. - Pinsapo, untouched. - Orientalis, brown above, green below the snow. - Cephalonica, untouohed. Of these 17 Abies, I think the Brunoniana the only one I cannot grow.

Aronia Botryapium, (Shad-Bush - June Berry.)

Growing from the clefts of the same rock, is this shrub or small tree; and even before any foliage appears, it is covered with its snow-white blossoms.


Many persons who have large quantities of flowers fail in arranging them in the flower-bed so as to produce the best effects. In selecting flowers consider for what purpose you wish them. If you want showy masses of flowers select Verbenas, Phlox, Candytuft, Petunias, etc. If a tall, showy group is desired. Zinnias, Balsams, Poppy, Marygolds, Calliopsis, etc., will produce the desired effect, Pansies and Verbenas make beautiful beds without other flowers. N. E. Homestead.

An English paper describes a case of a yellow primrose which, when planted in a rich soil, had the flowers changed to a brilliant purple. It also says that charcoal adds great brilliancy to the colors of dahlias, roses, and petunias; carbonate of soda reddens pink hyacinths, and phosphate of soda changes the colors of many plants.

Arrangements For Exhibitions

J. McD. Mclntyre, Albany, chairman. Sanford How-ard, Elisha Dorr, J. Dingwall, Albany, D. D. T. Moore, Watervliet: William Thorburn, James Wilson, Erastus H. Pease, Albany.

Arranging Bouquets - Snow-Drops With Moss

A lady correspondent of the Rural New Yorker recommends the following way to arrange snow- drops with moss:

Place a vase or goblet on a plate, and fill the plate with the most luxuriant pieces of moss, taking care to remove the brown, dry litter, and hide the roots. Do not pluck any odd little leaves or grasses that may be growing in the moss. Place small clusters of snowdrops - with occasionally a little fern - here and there, on the plate, with stems tucked under the moss. If you should be so fortunate as to find five or six of the small scarlet fungi, do not fail to let them peep from the most effective nooks. Fill the goblet with snowdrops and ferns. Unless one possesses considerable taste in the arrangement of colors, I do not think it is best to mix many different hues together in one vase. A few colors that contrast well often give more satisfaction.