From several quarters we have favorable accounts of this new yam, but sufficient time has not yet elapsed to pronounce authoritatively on its merits for this country. At a late meeting of the London Horticultural Society, roots were exhibited, and it was stated that small tubers answered better for increasing it than the little pea-like buds formed everywhere in the axils of the leaves. It was also mentioned that, as the thick end of the root is that which penetrates the soil, and as it goes nearly straight down into the earth, deep land is indispensable to its successful cultivation. We are ready to hear and promulgate any experience that may have been had respecting this yam from our correspondents. The following, from the Gardener's Chronicle, contains allusion to this and other interesting matters: -

"We have occasionally called attention to the introduction of the Chinese potato (Dios-carta batatas) into this country and France; the subject is now discussed at length in a book published by Mr. Henderson, the well-known agriculturist. The plant, he says, is not liable to disease, and yields twenty-four tons to the acre. It appears, too, that a highly nutritious pea from China has been recently tried in France, and with marked success; and the Chinese sugar-cane is found to grow well in Belgium, and produce, as is estimated, 100 gallons of cider to the acre, and a large amount of fibre fit for the manufacture of paper. The Geographical Society Of Paris has given one of its medals to Monsieur Montigny, Consul at Shanghae, as a reward for his having sent over the potato above mentioned, and some other useful plants, and the oak silk-worm. Dr. Beauvoys informs the Sociftf d'Acclimation at Paris, that the vapor of tow, which has been soaked in a solution of nitre, is an excellent means of stupefying bees, without injury, at the time of taking the honey.

At a late meeting of our Horticultural Society, stalks of Holcus saccharatus were exhibited which had been grown in the royal gardens at Frogmore; a plant said 'to be grown in India for its grain, and supposed by some likely to prove ultimately a substitute for the sugar-cane.' A bunch of grapes was also exhibited from Barl de Grey's gardens in Bedfordshire - a kind known as Black Barbarossa. It weighed four pounds, measured eighteen inches in length, and a foot across the shoulder".

Dioscorea Batatas #1

(W. Groom, North Fork, 111.) This stood the winter of 1855-6 here perfectly. We should say it is "as hardy as a parsnip." They attain a fine size the first year when roots are planted.

Dioscorea Batatas #2

I wish to present to the readers of the Horticulturist my efforts in the culture of the Chinese Yam. I obtained from Messrs. Prince & Co., last spring, twenty tubers, for which I paid five dollars. I selected most excellent soil and position, and have cultivated carefully - indeed, I bestowed more than ordinary attention, sifting the earth, etc. etc. They have had what I should say a fair chance. The most vigorous of the vines do not exceed three feet in length, and are of the most delicate character. As to the Dioscorea batatas, or Chinese Yam (what a name for nothing I), upon examining, I could only find some strings, none of them larger than an ordinary pipe stem. I determined to let them remain in the ground, with a view of testing their value another season. New items are often prematurely extolled, and the few realize enormously at the expense of the confiding. I view it as one of the most worthless esculents I ever attempted to cultivate; and the idea given so much currency to by Messrs. Prince & Co., that it is destined to equal in value the cotton crop of these United States, to me seems superlatively hazardous, to say the least of it. p would not this moment pay Messrs. P. & Co. one hundred and eighty cents for their 180,000 tubers to propagate in this latitude.

The gentlemen speak with more than ordinary confidence, and base their statements upon the result of their culture in France. It is difficult for us to ascertain truly their success in that distant land; we would rather hear from those engaged in our midst in its culture than from those not particularly interested in "realizing millions as its first propagators." If it is that estimable esculent, "the greatest boon ever given by God to man," I say, let us have it. We hope, therefore, the one thousand persons supplied by P. & Co. will, from every section of the Union, give their experience. We shall then know what latitude it best suits.