W. R. Prince was right when, some time ago, he asserted in the pages of the Horticulturist that the " tamarind was not growing in Virginia." His reason was that it was "too tender to stand our mildest winters." Whether this is true or not, I am not well enough acquainted with its habits to say; but my son, Oliver Taylor, being in Winchester, some time since, on business, and being desirous of becoming acquainted with all rare trees and shrubs, inquired for the Tamarind-tree, and was shown a tree that they called by that name, but which he immediately recognized as the Honey Locust (Sweet Locust, Gleditchia Triacanthos of Michaux). They were loth to believe they had been mistaken, but he was too well acquainted with the Honey Locust to be himself mistaken, while the tripple thorns and pods were unmistakable evidence of the fact. Yardley Tailor.

Loudon County, Va.

M. Bonpland, the celebrated fellow-traveller of Humboldt, is still living in Paraguay, rearing the tea of that country, in the eighty-third year of his age, only a little younger (!) than his quondam friend.