Expecting that Mr. Robt. B. Cridland's book would be well received on account of the thorough manner in which he had covered his subject, we printed a much larger first edition than is usual with works of this character.

So great, however, has been the demand, so successful the book, that in less than eighteen months a second edition has been called for. The work in its text matter and illustrations could not easily be improved, therefore few changes have been made, with the exception of the addition of five more planting plans and keys covering moderate sized properties.

A. T. De La Mare Co. Inc. New York, January 15, 1918.

Publishers' Note To Second Edition, Third Printing

To publish a book the contents of which make for the happiness, contentment and welfare of our citizens, and to have that book appreciated as has been the case with this one, evidenced by its now passing into its third printing of the second edition, is ample reward to writer and publishers for their joint efforts on behalf of congenial home ground surroundings.

A. T. De La Mare Co. Inc.

New York, January, 1922.