This beautiful flower was once much used for the choicest bouquets and designs, but since the advent of the long-stemmed flowers there is not the same use for it. Its fine, pure white, waxy flowers of delicious fragrance commend it to all who have a warm house. It is a true climber and should be planted out in a well drained border of coarse loam, but its roots are best confined so that they don't ramble too far. It is also grown in large pots and trained to a wire frame. Mealy bug is its worst enemy, but it will endure any amount of syringing.

A piece of the stem of the previous year's growth will root freely, but propagation is not of consequence; one or two plants are all you want. A plant I remember very well was trained along the roof of a small propagating house. It was in a 12-inch pot, but its roots had long ago passed through the pot into a bed of coal ashes, and every spring it bore hundreds of its lovely umbels of flowers.

That was an object lesson of the virtue of coal ashes; but it has been long known and frequently demonstrated in our houses that coal ashes will suit many plants. A neighbor of mine uses them entirely in place of sand for his propagating houses and succeeds quite as well as when he used sand.