How To Select Seeds

That happy being who is sufficiently well off to be able to select any kind of plants that he wants may choose from the specialities of the best seed houses with the certainty of getting gratifying results, but those whose means are limited, and who are compelled to buy cheaply, will be well advised to order standard sorts. Of course, the big seedsmen will supply these as well as the little one, and though his prices will be higher, they will probably be lower than for his own specialities.

I cannot but think that there are many beginners in gardening who find a serious initial difficulty in choosing seeds, and I have therefore begun by preparing a few tables, with a view to assisting in the task of making out a seed order.

Standard Varieties Of The Principal Vegetables




Large Green Globe

„ ...

Jerusalem (tuberous)


Connover's Colossal

Beans, Broad .

Early Longpod, Taylor's Broad Windsor

„ Dwarf French

Canadian Wonder

„ Runner


Beetroot ....

Dell's Crimson

Borecole ....

Dwarf Green Curled

Broccoli ....

Leamington, Purple Sprouting

Brussels Sprouts


Cabbage ....

Ellam's Early

Carrots ....

Early Horn, James's Intermediate


Early London, Autumn Giant

Celery ....

Standard Bearer (red)


Improved Telegraph

Endive ....


Leek ....


Lettuce ....

Superb Cos, Continuity

Onion ....

James's Keeping, Ailsa Craig

Parsley ....


Parsnip ....

Hollow Crown


Gradus, Duke of Albany, Autocrat

Potato ....

Duke of York, Sharpe's Express, Up-to-date

Radish ....

Turnip, French Breakfast

Rhubarb ....


Savoy ....


Seakale ....


Spinach ....

Round, Prickly

Tomato ....

Sunrise, Supreme

Turnip ....

Early Milan, Snowball, Red Globe

Vegetable Marrow .

Long White

Every variety named above is absolutely reliable, provided the seed is sound, and very little old or untried seed is sold in these days.

Having disposed of the varieties, let me proceed to offer suggestions as to the quantities. These must turn upon the size of the garden, the number in the family, and the character of the establishment; and I will give lists for various classes.