Primulas For Next Winter

Fringed Primulas are great favourites for flowering in heated greenhouses and conservatories in winter, and now is the time to sow seed. The seedsman sells them under the name of Primula Sinensis, or Chinese Primrose, and he may offer them in separate colours (even under distinctive names) as well as in mixture. The pretty Primula Obconica may also be sown now for blooming next winter. The suggestions for sowing choice seeds in Chapter I (Jan. The Opening Year). may be applied to Primulas.

Water Lilies

Early May is a very good time for planting aquatics, such as Nymphaeas, Water Haw thorn (Aponogeton) and Water Violet (Hottonia). The Nymphaeas (Water Lilies) are much the most important, and those who have no pond may make a cemented pool, or even grow the plants in tubs. The Sweet White Water Lily (Odorata) is charming, and Chromatella, yellow, is likewise a great favourite. For deep water the common Nymphaea Alba had better be chosen, and there is no difficulty in sinking it. The roots and soil can be tied into bundles, weighted with heavy stones, and thrown into the water. Where a pool is being made, a few inches of good loam should be put on the bottom, and the Water Lilies planted in it before the water is run in. Thirty inches is a suitable depth for all the best forms of hardy Water Lily.


These plants enjoy considerable favour for conservatory decoration on account of the brilliant colour of their leaves. If seed was sown a few weeks ago, or cuttings inserted, in accordance with hints given, there will now be a supply of young plants available Give them separate pots now, good soil, and warmth, in order to encourage growth. They ought to have a light position, because that conduces to high colours in the foliage.

The pretty greenhouse Primula, obconica, a very useful plant.

The pretty greenhouse Primula, obconica, a very useful plant, but one which sometimes causes sores on the skin of those who handle it ungloved.


A previous reference was made to these beautiful winter-flowering plants, which have agreeable perfume, as well as bright colours and profuse bloom, to recommend them. Those that were cut back after flowering will now be starting afresh, and may be repotted in fresh soil, reducing the ball so that the plants will go back into the same size or even into a size smaller pots. It is well to keep them shaded and syringed for a few days after repotting, but when they have fairly started growing they may go into a cold frame. President Cleveland, scarlet; Priory Beauty, pink; and Alfred Neuner, double white, are three good sorts.

Berry-Bearing Solanums

These may be treated the same as Bouvardias, with the possible exception of planting them in the garden for the summer instead of repotting them and growing them in frames. The outdoor system suits them quite well.