Having said so much about the cultivation of Violets in the open ground and in frames, brief reference may be made to yet a third method by which plants are cultivated for supplying blooms in winter. Although the public is not accustomed to see Violets growing in pots, the plants nevertheless succeed as well as other kinds when grown in these convenient receptacles; and there are few more agreeable vase plants than a Violet bearing numerous expanded blossoms. If used for this purpose in a dwelling room, however, they do not remain decorative for long, and they seldom continue blooming well after they are returned to the growing house or frame.

We will suppose that division of the crowns takes place in May; the younger crowns may be put singly into pots straight away, or be planted in the shady border for the summer and potted up early in September. The plants can be kept in 6 or 7 inch pots, if they are permanently cultivated in these receptacles; but on the contrary, if they are potted up from the border at the end of the summer, it will be found that 6-inch pots are too small; probably 8-inch pots will be more convenient - for the roots must not be sacrificed. So much has been said in regard to maintaining proper conditions in the frame, it is unnecessary to repeat it, for the reader will know that the nearer he can grow his pot plants to those conditions, the more likely he is to succeed in their culture. .The pot plants need light and fresh air just as the others do, and the attention to watering must be much more frequent; when the flowers are being produced, some diluted, non-smelling, manurial stimulant may be given in the water. Nothing has been said about the potting compost. If the cultivator can choose his materials, then he had better select good turfy loam, which has been stacked for at least twelve months, and mix with this some well-rotted leaf-mould, a little rough silver sand, and some dry cow-manure, first rubbing the manure through a half-inch meshed sieve.

Amateurs in country districts are recommended to try a few Violets by this system of culture, and those who succeed in getting strong, floriferous plants in winter and early spring will be very likely to regard it as one of the most pleasant incidents in their horticultural experience. We will now consider a few of the varieties.