Whereas, the seeds of this conifer are as a rule distilled with the cones, Schimmel & Co.1) on one occasion, distilled them by themselves. Inasmuch as the cones owe their oil principally to the seeds which they contain, it was to be assumed that the yield would prove high and that the oil would correspond to that distilled ordinarily from the cones. Both assumptions proved correct. However, the seeds had to be crushed before being distilled otherwise they yielded but 1/5 of the oil which they contained. Whereas the entire seeds yielded but 2,3 p. c. oil, the crushed seeds yielded 12 and 13 p. c. The constants were the same as those of the cone oil and fluctuated between the following limits: d15o0,8629 to 0,8668; aD - 68°14' to - 76°38'; nD20o, 1,47636 to 1,47812; A. V. 0,5 to 1,8; E. V. 0,9 to 3,7, corresponding to 0,3 to 1,3 p. c. of bornyl acetate; soluble in 5 to 7 vol. and more of 90 p. c. alcohol. The oil of the seeds is located between the shell and the kernel.