Vaccines and serums are given on the theory that they act in the same way as one "attack" of an "infectious" disease in immunizing the patient against a second "attack." In my Regeneration of Life I have proven this theory, that one "attack" immunizes against a second attack, to be illogical, unscientific and contrary to the facts.

I have shown that one may have smallpox, for instance, five times following immediately upon the heels of five successful vaccinations. Cases are on record of patients who had pneumonia as much as fifteen to fifty times.

Think this over and answer the question: What kind of serum will ever be found to immunize us against pneumonia? But if not against pneumonia, how about other so-called infectious diseases?. Suppose we study diphtheria.

Quain's Dictionary of Medicine, (1902 edition) says: "One attack of diphtheria confers no prolonged immunity upon its subject. Even during convalesence the patient has been known to develop the disease afresh, and this may be repeated more than once.

Goodall and Washbourn, in A Manual of Infectious Discases, state: "It is uncertain how far one attack of this disease (diphtheria) protects against a second. Certainly relapses and second attacks are not very rare."

It is certain from these facts that toxin-antitoxin can no more immunize a child against diphtheria than against burning by fire. In this connection, doctors tell us that babies are immune to diphtheria, inheriting their immunity from the mother, but that they lose their inherited immunity at about six to nine months. The mother must have lost hers about that same age. Where and how did she reacquire her immunity in order that she might transmit it to her child?

A substance called, "diphtheria toxin" is mixed with antitoxin to make toxin-antitoxin. J. W. Hermetet, M. D., in an address published in the Illinois Medical Journal, Nov. 19, 1929, P. 368 says, of this toxin, which he refers to as a "deadly toxin," that "toxins are-the most concentrated forms of poisonous material. ### One ounce of diphtheria toxin will kill 600,000 guinea pigs or 75,000 large dogs."

In the Annals of Internal Medicine, Jan. 1929, C. D. Mercer M. D., says that "Toxin-antitoxin is not a harmless preparation and should not be given to school children in a haphazzard way."

The United States Public Health Service gives the ideal mixture of "antitoxin" and "diphtheria toxin," (forming toxin-antitoxin), as of such a poisonous character that when five doses are inoculated into each of five guinea pigs two shall die acutely in four to ten days and the other three shall die of diphtheria paralysis in from fifteen to thirty-five days. Only a thoroughly dishonest Health Board or school doctor can ever represent this poisonous mixture as harmless.

Dr. Jesse R. Gersterley reported a case of sudden death from nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) in a child, following inoculation with toxin-antitoxin. This report was published in The Medical Clinics of North America, March 1926. This report caused C. D. Mercer, M. D., F. A. C. P., of West Union, Iowa, to investigate the dangers of this serum.

He reports, Annals of Internal Medicine, Jan 1929, P. 668 that, out of I 25 children, between the ages of six and twenty who were inoculated 27, or 20% of them, showed albuminuria after the third toxin-antitoxin inoculation, compared to only 13, or 10%, presenting this symptom of kidney destruction prior to the inoculation. He says that "a great many apparently healthy children have albuminuria" and that "administration of T-A (toxin antitoxin) doubled that percentage in 120 school children."

E. Gatewood, M. D., and C. G. Baldridge, M. D., say in the Journal of the American Medical Association, April 2, 1927: "A multiplicity of untoward sequelae have been observed in patients treated with immune serum. ### The common symptomatology includes fever, urticaria, erythema, oedema, lymphadenoma, (malignant tumor of the lymph glands), arthralgia (pain in the joints), smothering sensations, headache, nausea and vomiting. Occasionally there are more serious and lasting manifestations such as peripheral neuritis, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis, a small body attached to the testicle.) and orcllitis." (inflammation of the testicles).

I may add that paralysis, convulsions, inflammation of the heart, heart failure, and sudden death are also more frequent results than the general public is aware of. For a convincing array of such cases, taken from standard literature of the subject, I must refer the reader to my Serum Poisoning a Medical Crime.

On Jan. 27, 1928, in Bundaberg, Australia, 8 children received their second inoculation of toxin-antitoxin and thirteen received their first inoculations. The Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiries into Fatalities at Bundaberg, published by the Parliment of the Commonwealth of Australia, June 13, 1928 says: "Of these twenty-one children, eighteen became ill with symptoms of significant similarity during the night of the 27th January or the eary morning of the 20th January. Eleven died during the 28th January, and one on the 28th January."