Apply burnt alum, mixed with honey.

Scabs In Breasts And Backs Of Pigeons

Dill seed, cumin seed, fennel seed, of each 1 lb., assafoetida 1 1/2 oz., bay salt 1/4 lb., common salt 1/4 lb.; knead them with fine clay and flour. Bake it in earthen pots, and set it for the birds to peck. - Moore.

Genuine Salt-Cat. - Sifted gravel, brickmakers' earth, rubbish of old walls, of each a peck, cumin seed 1 1/2 lb., bay-salt 1/4 lb.; mix.

For Filander Worms In Hawks

Aloes, iron filings, nutmeg, and honey; mix, and give a small piece as often as necessary.