1. Marshmallow root and liquorice (in powder) of each 2 oz., honey 10 oz.; mix; to be given at twice, with a spatula. - Moiroud.

2. Melt 1/2 oz. spermaceti with 2 oz. of olive oil, add 6 oz. of honey, and mix with 1 1/2 oz. p. marshmallow root; to be given daily. - Moieoud.

3. (With Opium.) Powdered gum 2 oz., marshmallow

1 oz., extract of opium 2 dr., honey 3 oz.; for 2 doses.

4. Cough Electuary with Manna. Manna 2 oz., honey 6 oz.; in the morning; said to have cured acute bronchitis.

5. Powdered liquorice 8 oz., elecampane 4 oz., sulphur

2 oz., honey of squill 32 oz.; mix; for 8 doses.