1. Gentian 1 dr., calumba 2 dr., ginger 1 dr., laudanum 1/2 oz., spirit of nitrous ether 1/2 oz., peppermint water 3 oz. - Clater.

2. Gentian 2 oz., willow bark 6 oz., water 3 pints; boil to a quart, and add solution of acetate of ammonia (B. P.) 6 oz. - Moiroud.

3. Dissolve 1/2 dr. of chloride of lime in 8 oz. water, and add spirit of nitric ether 1/2 oz., laudanum 1/2 oz. tincture of calumba 1 oz.; twice a day. - Clater.

4. Bruised bark 3 oz., acetate of ammonia (B. P.) 4 oz., camphor 1 dr.; boil the bark in 2 quarts of water in a covered vessel for a quarter of an hour; strain, and when cool, add the camphor (rubbed with yolk of egg or honey), and the acetate of ammonia. - Lebas.

5. Spirit of nitric ether 1 oz., Mindererus' spirit 4 oz., infusion of chamomile 6 oz., beer yeast 6 oz., tincture of opium 3 drs. - Blaine. See also Antiseptic Drenches (below).