This may be prepared by boiling fine olive oil with absolute alcohol, and evaporating the solution.

Oxygenated Water, or Deutoxide, or Peroxide of Hdyrogen. Thenard's oxygenated water is thus made: - Expose fragments of perfectly pure baryta to a current of to oxygen gas, in a green glass tube heated to a dull redness, form a deutoxide of barium. To 7 oz. of water add as much pure hydrochloric acid as will dissolve 4 drs. of baryta; add to this by degrees, 3 drs. of pulverized deutoxide of barium, and when this is dissolved, add sulphuric acid, drop by drop, till the baryta falls down in the state of sulphate. Then add more deutoxide, and precipitate by sulphuric acid as before. Then filter the solution; and repeat the solution and precipitation several times, till about 3 oz. of deutoxide of barium are used, filtering the liquid after every second repetition. Sulphate of silver is then added to remove the hydrochloric acid, and afterwards pure baryta, to throw down the sulphuric acid, and a few drops of diluted sulphuric acid to remove any excess of baryta. See Hydrogenii Peroxidum, Pock. Form.

This energetic compound must not be confounded with the oxygen water formed by inrpregnating water with oxygen gas; nor with the oxygenous aerated water of Searle, which is water strongly charged with protoxide of nitrogen.