Anodyne, antispasmodic, sedative, indirectly astringent, and in large doses narcotic and stupefactive, and capable of destroying life. In combination with ipecacuanha and tartarized antimony it is sudorific. The dose for horses in ordinary cases is from 1/2 dr. to 1 dr. But in locked-jaw, spasmodic colic, and other urgent cases, it may safely be given in doses of 2 dr., and even (according to Moiroud) to 4 dr. Youatt states the dose as 1 dr. to 3 dr. In inflammation of the bowels, after bleeding, it is recommended to give 2 dr. at once, and 1 dr. every hour afterwards until it takes effect. To cattle, the dose is from 10 to 40 gr.; or in locked-jaw, etc, 1 dr. Calves, 10 gr. Sheep, 2 to 4 gr. Much larger doses have been given with impunity. Dogs require from 1/2 gr. to 2 gr., according to size and case. M. Moiroud says the dose for dogs should not exceed that prescribed for man. Mr. Blaine thinks they are much less affected by it than men. The dose of tincture of opium is (for horses) from 1 to 2 oz.; of the extract 20 to 30 gr. Externally, opium is used in anodyne liniments, and is useful in inflammation of the eye. See Eye-waters, Liniments, etc, in Vet. Formulary.