



The Bhavaprakasa describes three varieties of musk, namely, Kάmrupa, Nepalά and Kάshmira musk. Kάmrupa musk is said to be of black colour and superior to the others. It is probably China or Thibet musk brought via Kamroop. Nepalά musk is described as of bluish colour and intermediate quality. Kάshmira musk is of inferior quality.

Musk is regarded as stimulant and aphrodisiac and is used in ow fevers, chronic cough, general delibity and impotence. In low lfevers with prostration, two grains of musk with two of Maka-radhvaja are given every three hours with the addition of honey.

Svalpa kasturi bhairava.2 Take of cinnabar, aconite, borax, nutmeg, mace, long pepper, black pepper and musk, equal parts and make into four-grain pills. These are given in remittent fever of low type.

Musk Sans 808

Mriganάvyάdyavaleha.1 Take of musk, cardamoms, cloves, cinnamon and dates, equal parts and make into a linctus with honey and clarified butter. This is given in hoarseness and loss of speech.

Vasantatilaka rasa.2 Take of prepared gold one part, talc and tin two parts each, iron three parts, the preparation of mercury called rasasindura and calcined pearls and coral, four parts each; mix them together, soak for seven days in the juice of sugar-cane, of the fruits Tribulus terrestris (gokshura) and of other strengthening vegetables. Enclose the mass in a covered crucible and roast it in a sand-bath for three hours. Lastly add to it four parts of camphor and four of musk and make into four-grain pills. These are given as an alterative tonic in a variety of diseases, but more especially in chronic affections of the lungs supposed to be caused by deranged phlegm.