1. Acon. - Aconitum-Napellus. Monk's Hood. Anti dotes. Wine, Vinegar, Camphor, Nux-vom.

2. Agar. - Agaricus. Bug-agaric. Antidotes. Vegetable acids.

3. Alo. - Aloes. Antidote. Vinegar.

4. Alum. - Alumina. Oxide of aluminum. Antidotes. Bryonia, Cham., Ipecac.

5. Am.-c - Ammonium-carbonicum. Carbonate of ammonia. Antidotes. Arnica, Camphor.

6. Am.-m. - Ammonium-muriaticum. Muriate of ammonia. Antidotes. Camphor, Coffea, Hepar-sulph.

7. Ant. - Antimonium-crudum. Crude antimony. Antidotes. Hep.-s., Mercury, Pulsatilla.

8. Arn. - Arnica Montana. Leopard's bane. Antidotes. Camphor, Capsicum, Veratrum, and Vinegar.

9. Ars. - Arsenicum-album. Arsenic,. Antidotes. For its poisonous effects, rust of iron. For medicinal aggravation, Camphor, Ipecac, Nux-vom., Tabac.

10. Aur. - Aurum. Gold. Antidotes. Belladonna, China, Mercury.

11. Bell. - Belladonna. Deadly Nightshade. Antidotes. Coffee, Hyos., Hepar-sulplu, Pulsatilla.

12. Brom. - Bromine. Antidotes. Coffee, Opium, Camphor.

13. Bry. - Bryonia. White Bryony. Antidotes. Acon. Cham., Nux-vom., Ignatia.

14. Calc.-c. - Calcarea-carbonica. Carbonate of lime. Antidotes. Camphor, Nitric-acid., Sulphur.

15. Camph. - Camphor. Antidotes. Opium, Vinegar.

16. Can. - Cannabis-sativa. Hemp. Antidote. Camphor.

17. Canth. - Cantharis. Spanish Fly. Antidote. Camphor.

18. Caps. - Capsicum. Cayenne Pepper. Antidote. Camph.

19. Carb.-v. - Carbo-vegetabilis. Charcoal. Antidotes. Camphor, Arsenic, and Coffea.

20. Caust. - Causticum. Caustic. Antidotes. Coffea, Nux-vom.

21. Cham. - Chamomilla. Chamomile. Antidotes. Aconite, Cocculus, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux-vom., Pulsatilla.

22. Chin. - China. Peruvian Bark. Antidotes. Arnica, Arsenic, Belladonna, Calcarea, Carb.-veg., Ipecac, Sulphur.

23. Cina. Wormseed. Antidote. Ipecac.

24. Coc - Cocculus. Indian Berries. Antidotes. Camphor, Nux-vom.

25. Coff. - Coffea. Coffee. Antidotes. Acon., Cham., Nux-vom.

26. Colch. - Colchicum. Meadow Saffron. Antidotes. Nux-vom., Cocculus, Pulsatilla.

27. Coloc. - Colocynth. Bitter cucumber. Antidotes. Camphor, Coffea, Causticum.

28. Con. - Conium, Hemlock. Antidotes. Coffea, Spiritus-nitri..

29. Croc - Crocus-sativus. Saffron. Antidote. Opium.

30. Cupr. - Cuprum. Copper. Antidotes. Belladonna, China, Ipecac, Mercury, Nux-vom.

31. Dig, - Digitalis. Foxglove. Antidotes. Nux-v., Opium.

32. Dros. - Drosera. Round-leaved Sun-Dew. Antidote. Camphor.

33. Dulc - Dulcamara. Bitter-Sweet. Woody Nightshade. Antidotes. Camphor, Ipecac, Mercury.

34. Euphr. - Euphrasia. Eye-bright. Antidote. Pulsatilla.

35. Fer. - Ferrum. Iron. Antidotes. Arnica, Arsenic, Ipecac, Mercury, Belladonna, Pulsatilla.

36. Fer.-acet. - Ferrum-aceticum. Acetate of Iron. Antidotes. Arsenic, Belladonna, Nux-vom.

37. Graph. - Graphites. Black Lead. Antidotes. Nuxvom., Wine.

38. Hell. - Helleborus-niger. Black Hellebore. Antidotes. Camphor, China.

39. Hep.-s. - Hepak-sulphukis. Sulphuret of Lime. Antidotes. Vinegar, Belladonna.

40. Hyos. - Hyosciamus. Henbane. Antidotes. Belladonna, Camphor, China.

41. Ign. - Ignatia. St. Ignatius' Bean. Antidotes. Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Camphor, Vinegar, Cocculus.

42. Iod. - Iodine. Antidotes. Arsenic, Camphor, Coffea, Sulph., Phos.

43. Ipec - Ipecacuanha. Antidotes. Arnica, Arsenic, China.

44. Kali.-b. - Kali-bichromatum. Bichromate of Potash. 45. Kal.-hyd. - Kali-hydriodicum. Hydriodate of Potash.

46. Kal.-carb. - Kali-carbonicum. Carbonate of Potash.

47. Lach. - Lachesis. Poison of the Lance-Headed Serpent Antidotes. Arsenic, Belladonna, Nux-vom., Rhus.

48. Lyc. - Lycopodium. Wolf's Claw. Antidotes. Camphor, Pulsatilla.

49. Merc.-iod. Mercury Proto-iodid.

50. * Merc. - Mercury. Antidotes. Arnica, Belladonna, Camphor, Hepar, Iodine, Sulphur, Lachesis.

51. Mez. - Mezereum. Antidotes. Camphor, Mercury.

52. Mur. ac. - Muriatic acid. Antidotes. Large doses of Soap. Small doses of Bryonia, Camphor.

53. Nat.-mur. - Natrum-muriaticum. Muriate of Soda. Antidotes. Arsenic, Camphor, Nitri-spiritus.

54. NiTR.-AC. - Nitri-acidum. Antidotes. Calcarea, Conium, Camphor, Hepar-sulph., Sulphur, Soap, in large doses.

55. Nux-vom. - Nux-vomica. Antidotes. Aconite, Camphor, Coffea, Pulsatilla.

* The varieties of Mercury generally used are the Mercurius-solubilis, Mercurius-vivus, and Mercurius-corrosivus. For the antidotes, see Mercury.

56. Op. - Opium. White Poppy. Antidotes. Camphor, Calcarea, Hepar-sulph., Sulphur.

57. Petrol. - Petroleum. Naphtha, Stone Oil. Antidotes. Aconite, Nux-vom.

58. Phos. - Phosphorus. Antidotes. Camphor, Coffea, Nux-vom.

59. Phos.-ac. - Phosphoric-acid. Antidotes. Camphor, Coffea.

60. Plat. - Platina. Antidote. Pulsatilla.

61. Plumb. - Plumbum. Lead. Antidotes. Belladonna, Opium.

62. Puls. - Pulsatilla. Pasque Flower. Antidotes. Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux-vom.

63. Rheum. Rhubarb. Antidotes. Camphor, Chamomilla, Nux-vom.

64. Rhus-t. - Rhus-toxicodendron. Sumach, Poison Oak. Antidotes. Belladonna, Bryonia, Camphor, Coffea, Sulphur.

65. Samb. - Sambucus. Elder. Antidotes. Arsenic, Camph.

66. Sab. - Sabina. Savine. Antidote. Camphor.

67. Sang. - Sanguinaria-canadensis. Common Blood-root.

68. Sep. - Sepia. Inky juice of the Cuttle Fish. Antidotes. Vinegar, Aconite.

69. Sec-corn. - Secale-cornutum. Ergot of Rye. Antidotes. Camphor, Opium.

70. Sil. - Silicea. Silex. Antidotes. Camphor, Hep.-s.

71. Spig. - Spigelia. Indian Pink. Antidotes. Camph. Aurum.

72. Spong. - Spongia. Burnt Sponge. Antidote. Camph.

73. Stan. - Stannum. Pure Tin. Antidotes. Coffea, Puis.

74. Staph. - Staphysagria. Stavesacre. Antidote. Camph.

75. Stib. - Stibium. Tartar Emetic. Antidotes. Cocculus, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Green Tea.

76. Stram. - Stramonium. Thorn apple. Antidotes. Belladonna, Nux-vom.

77. Sulph. - Sulphur. Antidotes. Aconite, Camphor, Mercury, Pulsatilla, Nux-vom.

78. Sulph.ac. - Sulphuric-acid. Oil of Vitriol. Antidote. Pulsatilla.

79. Tabac - Tabacum. Tobacco. Antidotes. Camph., Ipec, Nux-vom.

80. Tereb. - Terebinth. Turpentine. Antidote. Camph.

81. Thuja. Tree of Life. Antidotes. Camphor, Pulsatilla.

82. Verat. - Veratrum-album. White Hellebore. Antidotes. Aconite, Ipecac, Arsenic, Camphor, Coffea, China,

83. Kalm.-l. - Kalmia-latifolia. Laurel.

For a more particular description of the medicines, see Materia Medica at the close of the book.